Monday, 1 December 2008

~ Let’s Get Dress Trendy ‘n Fashionable Limited ^O^...6

Nowadays, There are many European fashions such as clothes, acessories and ways of life. Teenagers don’t emphasis with difference culture. They try to imitate other culture for their own. They adopt all of thing. But they don’t adapt for own culture. It's very difficult to explain them in order to let them understand and re-consider it again. Fashion has a good and bad points.

Fashion have a good points It's a modern. Don’t over ancient. When you go shopping. You can buy many clothes that you like. It should be simply clothes. Don’t out of fashionable. In the otherwise, if you wear fashion clothes. It has many bad points. First, You will spend a lot of money for afford your clothes or your accessories. If you saw your friends bought the dress of brand name.
You want to bought it too. You would troubled with your parents. You are a students. You don’t have any earned income. You should help your parents for save their money. Second, if you wear naked clothes. It’s cause of the crime. The last point, if you wear over fashion. It isn’t appropriate for properness. You should wear skirt, dress and trouser for somewhere.

Although, Fashion have many bad points. I think it’s so good for fashion but you will have satisfied what you have. Don’t follow to fashion. You will have confident and proud in yourself. You’re own. Don’t follow with other people. You should run on your way. The most thing, the parents should advise and inculcate to your children about good and bad points of fashion.

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